Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

Magic Pills

hello dreamers..

may i give you a question??
answer it but dont takes too many times for thinking.. 
just let urself answer it..

so, here is the question..

five... four... three.. two.. one...


have u got ur answer??
what is ur answer??
the blue one or the red one??

this is a very special question i think..
why??because every answer is a right answer for right person..
so, nothing will get a false..

maybe u will get a blue pill for recovery ur past to make a brighter you now..
or maybe u will get red pill for make u know what u will be in the future..

then me??
what is my answer??
its a hard question, but i will choose the red one..

no... its not because red is my favorite colour hahaha..
why i dont choose blue because i think my past is a wonderful time for making me to be me like now.. i just want to make sure who am I, and what am I in the future..
thats my answer..

its your turn now..
blue pill or red one?? ;))

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