Minggu, 09 Desember 2012


Lagu ini menjadi luar biasa saat saya tahu memiliki arti yang begitu mendalam. it was really a great motivation song. Saya share disini, agar semua orang bisa tahu makna lagu yang luar biasa ini.
Míngtiān Huì Gènghǎo
Besok akan lebih baik
qīngqīng qiāo xǐng chénshuì di xīnlíng
Pelan-pelan panggil hati yang tidur untuk bangun
mànmàn zhāngkāi nǐ di yǎnjing
Pelan-pelan membuka matamu
kànkàn mánglù di shìjiè shìfǒu yīrán
Untuk melihat apakah dunia yang sibuk masih tetap sendiri dan terus berputar
gūdú di zhuàn ge bùtíng
Sendiri…berputar tak ada henti
chūnfēng bù jiě fēngqíng
Angin musim semi tidak mengerti gaya /arah
chuīdòng shàonián de xīn
Meniup hati pemuda untuk begerak
ràng zuórì liǎnshàng di lèihén
Membiarkan sisa kesedihan airmata kemarin
suí jìyì fēnggān liao
Membiarkannya, bersama memori mengering
táitóu xúnzhǎo tiānkōng di chìbǎng
Bangkit untuk mencari sayap dilangit
hòuniǎo chūxiàn tā de yǐngjì
Burung berpindah , bayangannya keluar
dàilái yuǎnchù di jīhuang wúqíng di zhànhuǒ
Membawa jauh kelaparan maupun hati yang tak berperasaan perang
yīrán cúnzài di xiāoxi
sama masih ada kabar
yùshān báixuě piāolíng
salju Yushan (salah satu gunung ditaiwan) turun
ránshāo shàonián de xīn
Membakar hati remaja
shǐ zhēnqíng rónghuà chéng yīnfú
Sehingga benar larut dalam catatan
qīngsù yáoyuǎn di zhùfú
Hati mereka berbicara untuk berkat yang jauh
chàngchū nǐ di rèqíng
Keluarkan semangatmu
shēnchū nǐ shuāngshǒu
Ulurkan tangganmu
ràng wǒ yōngbào zhe nǐ di mèng
Supaya saya bisa meranggkul mimpimu
ràng wǒ yōngyǒu nǐ zhēnxīn de miànkǒng
supaya saya bisa merasakan keberadaanmu (kamu benar-benar ada)
ràng wǒmen di xiàoróng
supaya kita bisa tersenyum
chōngmǎn zhe qīngchūn di jiāo’ào
Diisi dengan kebanggaan oleh orang muda
wèi míngtiān xiànchū qiánchéng di qídǎo
Mulai besok, berikan mereka doa yang khusyuk

shéi néng bù gù zìjǐ di jiāyuán
Siapa yang dapat mengabaikan rumah sendiri
pāokāi jìyì zhōng di tóngnián
Melupakan kenangan masa kanak-kanak
shéi néng rěnxīn kàn nà zuórì de yōuchóu
Siapa yang bisa tahan melihat kekelaman kemarin
dàizǒu wǒmen de xiàoróng
Mengambil senyuman dari kita
qīngchūn bùjiě hóngchén
Orang muda belum mengerti masalah dunia
yānzhī zhānrǎn liao huī
Lipstik tertutup/terpoles kotoran
ràng jiǔwéi bùjiàn de lèishuǐ
Sudah lama tak kelihatan air mata
zīrùn liao nǐ di miànróng
Melembabkan wajahmu
Melembabkan wajahmu
Repeat Reff
wèi míngtiān xiànchū qiánchéng di qídǎo
Mulai besok, berikan mereka doa yang khusyuk
Repeat @@
rìchū huànxǐng qīngchén
Matahari bangun memanggil pagi
dàdì guāngcǎi chóngshēng
Mulia kebangkitan di bumi
ràng héfēng fú chū di yīnxiǎng
Supaya angin yang pelan-pelan suaranya keluar
pǔ chéng shēngmìng di yuèzhāng
Spektrum menjadi gerakan kehidupan
Repeat Reff
ràng wǒmen qīdài míngtiān huì gènghǎo
Mari kita berharap bahwa besok akan menjadi lebih baik
Repeat Reff
ràng wǒmen qīdài míngtiān huì gènghǎo
Mari kita berharap bahwa besok akan menjadi lebih baik
Repeat Reff
ràng wǒmen qīdài míngtiān huì gènghǎo
Mari kita berharap bahwa besok akan menjadi lebih baik
Repeat Reff
ràng wǒmen qīdài míngtiān huì gènghǎo
Mari kita berharap bahwa besok akan menjadi lebih baik
Repeat Reff
ràng wǒmen qīdài míngtiān huì gènghǎo
Mari kita berharap bahwa besok akan menjadi lebih baik

~so just remember that tomorrow will be better~
Let's do our best from now :)

Senin, 26 November 2012

My Failed Target

November 26, 2012
The end of this year will be come..  2012 will get an end. What I have reached this year?? I don’t know. I just feel that this year I don’t get something like I want. I do not use this year wisely. I got this year run as usual. This is a heavy year I ever got.
 I still working at others office, still at Tuas Mas without any other something new I’ve got. I’m still Alicia (maybe) without an increase value of life.  I feel that all of my friends run while I’m still at the same place. It’s really hurt when I’m thinking about that. Where is my spirit?? Where is the knowledge that I have got from motivation book?? Have I use my brain wisely??? Why I still at here?? Why I just at the same place like the year before???
I still remember at  September 06, 2012 I have make some target for my life before this December.

September 06, 2012
This is my promise and my target until the end of this year…
1.       Fluent in english
2.       Understand a little Chinese
3.       Make some article till up to 50pages
4.       Save money till next year I have enough money to credit a car

And so, what should I do to make it happen in my life??
To become fluent in English, I don’t have any idea except to practicing an English language in my daily. Maybe the grammar will be false. It will not be perfect but I have try it before.  I just want to try, try and try until next year a have brave enough to join some English debate with others. Right now, maybe my English is just 10%, but I believe next year I can increase until 80-100%.
This is my promise to reach my first target: I will use English all day when I speak to myself.. in my pray, when I am happy, angry, sad, etc..   

Then for my second target.. I really getting crazy to this target. It’s really difficult for me to speak Chinese. Who will teach me about that?? In English I can speak and learn with my friends. But for Chinese I just can learn from conversation book. Just it.. Oh My God….. But I’ll try it.. so, let’s open our Chinese book.. Jia You!!!!

For my third target..
Make some article until up to 50 pages. Now I am on the process of it. I’m fight to make myself want to write some article everyday. But there’s always problem on it. Every time when I was wrote I got sleepy. Really sleepy. I know it’s not a reason to canceled my promises. I will still do it.

My last target now is to save someone until next year I have enough money to credit a car
It will be a difficult target, because I should prepare for other needs. But I will try to spend my money as good as possible

And finally I was failed to make it happen L . I don’t know what I should do except said to myself that don’t  be sad,  don’t be regrets of all. It’s my turn now to make a new target with a new spirit in 2013. Just believe that I can reach my target and will get a final better.  So??? KEEP IT ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!

Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

Want to be a...

What I want to write in here?? I don’t know, many things run in my head that I really want to write down in this page. But I don’t know want to start from what.  In the past, I even think that I want to be a lawyer, a judge, a policewoman, everything that connect with rules activity, strong, black(maybe), full with debate. It’s cool when I’m thinking about that. But know everythings is changes. If you ask me about future, maybe I’ll give my answer “I want to be a writer”
Lawyer become writer, hey dude, that is very different,.  North and south, in front and behind. I don’t know why I set my future like that. But actually I like writing, I like dreaming, I like an imagination. As far as I know,  I don’t like war, I don’t like violent, I don’t like the situation that full with debate pro and kontra. Maybe because my family near from violent, make others fall down, lawyers, and others it’s make me feel that is so crowded, frustration, make my brain like an boom time for myself..
I usually think that I want to run out from many people, stay at the silent place. I want to refresh my mind. Every time when I am alone, my brain can run so fast. I don’t  say that I’m a closed woman. Maybe it’s because silent is gold, silent is an inspiration.
Can I be a writer??  My heart will shout “sure you can” but my Brain talk to me “are you sure that you can??”
Is it called “GALAU” ??
But right now I will always try to write, write everything that I want to write..
KEEP FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

New Experience

This is Mei,. And wow almost 1 year after i've graduated from high school,.coolllll..9month i've work in my office now..
I'll share you about my work experience..

First i feel happy because now i'm not as a student, but i'm a worker now..hahahahha
I work at a special company,. Why I say special??because this is a family company,.
I'm happy because my boss is so kind, he didn't see his employee like other boss..
His wife and his nephew works in this company too,.
maybe I can said that my office is like home atmosphere..really like it..

Not many employee in my office,. less than 20 people,. It's make we can know and familiar one other..
everyday i've many good stories about my job..

I can learn many things from my activity now,.Not just about an accounting (coz i'm as accountant in my office) but also about life, about other caracters..

Do you want to know about them?? I'll tell you next time.. ;p

Kamis, 19 April 2012

Rahasia Menjadi Kaya

1. Pilih papa mama yg kaya raya, kalau gagal lihat no 2

2. Pilih pasangan anak tunggal orang super kaya. Kalau terlambat, lihat no 3

3. Pasang lotere. Kalau gak ada lotere, atau gak dapat2. Terpaksa pakai jurus no 4.

4. Rampok bank atau Korupsi milyaran. Tapi ini gak berani kalau punya nurani. Penjara sih gak takut, sebab di Indo maling milyaran bebas kemana saja. Tapi, kan kita masih punya hati nurani, jadi terpaksa pakai jurus no 5.

5. Belajar yang rajin, Kerja keras, cari duit halal. Kalau sudah kerja 20 tahun, masih gak kaya raya dan cuma berhasil masuk kelas menengah, maka terpaksa pakai jurus terakhir, jurus pamungkas, jurus no 6.

6. Belajar menjadi kaya, belajar merasa kaya, mensyukuri apa yang kita terima setiap hari, berterima kasih bahwa kita sudah punya yang kita punya sampai hari ini, kurangi keterikatan akan lingkaran setan bernama Duit, menjaga dan mensyukuri kesehatan kita! Maka niscaya kita akan menjadi kaya raya. KAYA BATINIAH! Bebas dari rasa kuatir.
Syukuri apa yg kita miliki, jgn menyesali apa yg tidak kita miliki..:)

Kamis, 02 Februari 2012


And I never thought i'd fell this way
And as far as i'm concerned
I'm glad I got the chance to say
That I do believe I love you

And if I should ever go away
Well then close your eyes and try
To feel the way we do today
And then if you can remember

Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
for good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

Well you came in loving me
And now there's so much more I see
And so by the way I thank you...

oh and then for the times when we're apart
Well then close your eyes and konw
The words are coming from my heart
And then if you can remember

~~~thank you friend~~~`