Minggu, 21 Desember 2014


22 Desember..
Apa yang spesial dari tanggal ini..
Pada tanggalan chinese sendiri tanggal 22 Desember diperingati sebagai hari winter soltice.. 
Hari dimana warga tionghua memakan onde yang terbuat dari tepung ketan dengan makna agar memperoleh berkat dan berumur panjang..
Di Indonesia sendiri special juga karena tanggal ini diperingati sebagai Indonesian Mother's Day..

For me and my family, we dont do like others. Whose celebrate this day with their mother, they buy some cake and gift to their mother. Give warm hug and take some photos with mother..
I never celebrate it.. For so a long time i live without my mom.. 
Live in a divorced family, make me think there's no parent day.. No father's day, no mother's day.. 
Last time i always think that i really envy to them who have a completed family.. Full of love..
Until now i still a people who doesn't think there's a special day in Dec'22 called Mother's day..
But i really love my family more than others do.. 
I love my father and mother with my whole life.. 
I can't describe a love to my parents with a cake, a flower, a hug, or a photos..
I just on process to show them my best future, best carrier and best I am, as a thing they called LOVE..


Kubuka album biru..
Penuh debu dan usang
Kupandangi semua gambar diri
Kecil bersih belum ternoda

Pikirkupun melayang dahulu penuh kasih
Teringat semua cerita orang
Tentang riwayatku..

Kata mereka diriku selalu dimanja..
Kata mereka diriku selalu ditimang...
Oh bunda ada dan tiada dirimukan selalu 
Ada didalam hatiku...

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