Rabu, 01 Agustus 2018


i can show you the world
shining, shimmering, splendid
tell me, princess, now when did
you last let your heart decide?

i can open your eyes
take you wonder by wonder
over, sideways and under
on a magic carpet ride

a whole new world
a new fantastic point of view
no one to tell us no
or where to go
or say we're only dreaming

a whole new world
a dazzling place i never knew
but when i'm way up here
it's crystal clear
that now i'm in a whole new world with you

unbelievable sights
indescribable feeling
soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
through an endless diamond sky

a whole new world
don't you dare close your eyes
a hundred thousand things to see
i'm like a shooting star
i've come so far
i can't go back to where i used to be

a whole new world
with new horizons to pursue
i'll chase them anywhere
there's time to spare
let me share this whole new world with you

a whole new world
that's where we'll be
a thrilling chase
a wondrous place
for you and me

NB: lagi mellow makanya upload nih lirik lagu..a true love meaning..

Jumat, 16 Maret 2018


I just realize that life's isn't that easy..
what happened with me?? hahaha

I just want to be the new me without my history behind.
Thinking that i created from a broken home family, makes me becoming me right now.
I always said for myself that I dont want to be like them (my parents and their way to teach their child).
In the future, None of my child will see their parents hit one others, fighting like a boxer, throwing an UFO, lost one another, get out from house, and DIVORCE.
Did i just tell you about my story behind?? hahahaha but actually Yes, definitely YES.
I know It created me become like this. the one with stone inside my heart, who just dont know how to throw it out. As far as it didn't grow to be more big it doesn's matter for me (i think)..

So, i want to make some promise for me, myself, and I before getting married and build my own family...
- I should control my speech.. Do not say rude
- Thinking before Acting
- Just control my ego
- Self intropection
- Maybe i should learn how to be a romantic one :p
- and maybe I should spend more time for blogging hahaha.. why?? because i can be much me when i writting. I am not just writting, but also I learning from every word i write too.

am I regret about it?? the young me would say YES..
But me right now will say No..
Everything happened with a reason.. God takes me to this place with some reason that maybe others can't do.


Rabu, 07 Maret 2018


Both of us memang gak ada bakat romantisnya sama sekali.. 
Gue yg cueknya kebangetan, dan dia yang juga polosnya kelewatan. 

Sore itu sepulang kantor dia datang dengan alasan mau ajak jalan n makan, 
pas sampai malah ngotot maksa ajak ikut misa sore harian di katedral. 
g dengan malasnya tapi tetep mengiyakan (beda emang yg beragama banget, dengan yg agamanya pas2an 😂). 

Selesai misa gue bilang ke dia mau mampir goa Maria untuk rosario, dia pun mengiyakan. Kami pasang lilin berdua dan mulai berdoa (gue rosario, dia doa biasa). 
Setelah selesai gue pun berdiri, dia malah tarik tangan bilang "sini duduk dulu", gak kepikiran apapun selain mungkin masih mau doa nih orang. 
Dan saat itu dia buka tas, mengeluarkan kotak cincin then he said "will u marry me?", 
dan gue cuma bengong sebego2nya sambil dengan polos berbisik 
"ini rame loh disini pindah tempat lain dulu aja" , dia cuma geleng sambil natap mata gue dalam2 (padahal mah gelep yakkk 😂) and then i said "Yes". 

Yang gue pikirin saat itu cuma "yuk kita doa lagi", dan dijawab dengan anggukan. Gue gak nangis pas di propose, but when i close my eyes then start to pray in front of Mother Marry my tears just goes down by itself. Dalam doa cuma ucap puji syukur diberikan pasangan yang seperti ini. 

Bukan candle light dinner dengan 3 atau 6 lilin, tapi dengan sekian banyak lilin dengan sekian banyak pengharapan. 
Gak cuma disaksiin orang sekitar tapi dihadapan Bunda Maria langsung. 

Call me blessed fiance because i have him @albertthie  in my life. And now let's prepare for our future together :) #01022018

*NB : sekarang lagi pusing-pusing nya urus ini itu karena gak tau harus start darimana hahahaha.. but we enjoying it